Rockettes to perform at Trump inauguration

The Radio City Rockettes will perform at Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE’s inauguration next month, an aide to the president-elect said Thursday.

Trump adviser Boris Epshteyn announced Thursday on CNN that the group would be performing.

“They did so in 2001 and 2005. The Rockettes are a wonderful group who have been a part of American culture for decades, almost 100 years and they represent many women from around the country and they’re really what’s best about America,” he said.


“So we’re very excited and honored to have them be a part of the 50th inaugural.”

Epshteyn said the Trump team is “extremely excited” and has had a “ton of great performers, entertainers and just Americans, reaching out, want to be a part.”

The Washington Post reported earlier Thursday that the Mormon Tabernacle Choir would also be performing at the president-elect’s inauguration.

The choir, which is based in Salt Lake City, has performed at five previous inaugurations.

“The Radio City Rockettes, an original American brand, have performed at Radio City Music Hall since 1925 and, as treasured American icons, have taken part in some of the nation’s most illustrious events such as Super Bowl halftime shows, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parades and presidential inaugurations, including in 2001 and 2005,” James L. Dolan, executive chairman of The Madison Square Garden Company, said in a statement. “We are honored that the Rockettes have again been asked to perform in the upcoming inauguration festivities.”

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