Quangong Germany Zenit Debuts Algerian Construction Machinery Ex

3-7 May, Algerian international building materials and construction machinery exhibition (BATIMATEC) held in the National Exhibition Gallery in Algeria. BATIMATEC is Algeria's largest building materials building industry exhibition. It is one of the favorable channel national building materials company to enter the Algerian market and to open up the Algerian market

Because oil prices and other factors, the past two years the Algerian economy has been weak, but in construction field still has a huge market potential     

This time, the QGM-Zenith stand still have lots of clients, most of the customers are asking for Zenith pallet- free equipment, they are mainly into the advantages of palle-free, mobile, multi-functional, the density of the product is good, high compressive strength, the automatic central control production line etc.

After the establishment of an office in Algeria, QGM continue to provide the fastest and most direct service and spare parts support to customers in Algeria and neighboring countries. Algeria has QGM customers throughout 30 provinces, it has a good reputation in Algeria.