Honestly never thought I would say these words, but I love this Prada Nylon Bag. Years ago, I’m talking like when I started Bag Bliss the handbag blog, back 2004, I remember everyone was obsessed with Prada Nylon Handbags. Real or fake. It was crazy. This was a time when little was known, let alone done about counterfeit handbags that plagued the streets. People didn’t really understand the real cost of purchasing that knockoff designer handbag.
It felt like everywhere you went, if you just looked around within sight distance, there was always a black nylon dressed handbag adorned with that basic signature bottom-up triangle Prada logo. Most commonly, it was the Prada Nylon Pochette. So from this experience, I vowed to never purchase a nylon Prada handbag, ever..and why would you pay $500-$2000 for a nylon handbag that really doesn’t have any special detail that would warrant such a exorbitant price tag.
11 years later, I finally came across a Prada Nylon Handbag that I would own and it’s the Prada Tess Drawstring Bag! I absolutely love the design of this bag. It’s not like all the other nylon backpack styles that Prada is so famously known for. It has the option to be carried as cross-body or hand-held. I love the open compartment which is spacious enough for all the daily necessities, and the convenient easy access front pocket is perfect for organization of those at arms reach items. Also the nylon is designed to last.. I’m not kidding. You see vintage Prada nylon handbags on eBay all the time and they have stood the test of time. Durable, function and trendy. Also priced at $495, you’re not breaking the bank.
What do you guys think of Prada Nylon Handbags??
Saks Fifth Avenue – black
Neiman Marcus – red, and fuchsia pink
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