Lilian Garcia Talks About The Rock Back In WWE, Whether She'd Ever Return

Former WWE Diva Lilian Garcia recently spoke with the Miami Herald and had this to say about the following topics:

Returning To WWE One Day: “I say, ‘Never say never,’. Look at The Rock now. It is something that I’m definitely tied to. Once you are in the WWE for a length of time, it’s a family base. You are tied in, no matter if you leave and take a break. Sometimes you come back; so you never know.”

The Rock’s WWE return: “I really didn’t think he would come back. I really thought with his movie career and all. I don’t blame him, though. It had been seven years. When he was making movies, he didn’t have that experience being with the fans and feeling that electricity from the fans. He thrives on that. It was having that experience again. People were tweeting me telling me how much they missed the interviews with me and The Rock. It was just such great chemistry that he and I had with those interviews. As soon as I saw him on TV again, it brought back memories of those days. It was just really cool.”

* Pictures of LILIAN GARCIA At The GRAMMY Awards Last Month
