Totes seem to be a common fashion trend these days. Whenever I go searching for handbags on my favorite sites it seems as if another designer came out with one. I personally don’t like totes unless they have a zip top but I will admit they are very convenient especially if you’re a student or work in an office. The best part about most totes though is that they are fairly reasonable, even designer ones!
I’m absolutely loving the L.A.M.B. “Malibu” Tote most because it’s simple, affordable and comes in a variety of colors!
I like to have options so when a purse, handbag or tote comes in several different colors I’m drawn to it more. I would like this tote a lot better if it had a zipper but for the price it’s cute. If I was still in college it would be great to have. A student or even an office worker could fit a lap top, notebooks, books and papers in it with no problem. I also like the fact that it has a zip pocket inside. This comes in handy to hold pencils, erasers, a calculator, etc. in it so that it doesn’t get lost in the rest of the mess. Definitely a stylish affordable tote to have for a variety of occasions.
You can purchase the L.A.M.B. “Malibu” Canvas Tote at Zappos for $98.
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