Good ‘ol Jim Ross updated the “Q&A” section of his website, Here are some of the hilights:
When asked whethere WWE would hire an orchestra to play at WrestleMania: How in the blue hell would I know the that question? I mean really, how? Mr. McMahon likes it best when I don’t have any lengthy conversations with him and I do my best to accommodate his wishes
Regarding Bobby Lashley’s WWE Release: Lashley wanted out and no one can be forced to stay if they don’t want to be there. This is a better question for Bobby to answer.
On a possible Lashley vs. Brock Lesnar MMA match: Don’t think that can’t happen. Is it a long shot? Possibly. But a smart promoter is going to keep this match in the back of their mind if both athletes get to the top level of MMA.
When asked whether WWE stars travel together or individually and how WWE transports its rings: The WWE provides travel, hotel and some food on all International tours. They also have rings stored in the various regions they travel.
When asked why The Undertaker did not appear on the RAW specials after when Owen Hart Eddie Guererro died: Much more TV persona than anything. Taker loved both men and had huge respect for them. Please don’t over analyze this matter and make more of it than it simply is.
**SMACKDOWN SPOILERS** including a HUGE New Match for WrestleMania [>]
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