Chris Jericho On First Time He Met Steve Austin, Original Idea For Highlight Reel, Drugs

As noted, Chris Jericho recently appeared as a guest on WWE Hall Of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin’s podcast, The Steve Austin Show. Featured below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On the first time he met Steve Austin: “I met [Austin] on a plane one time and [Austin] gave me the greatest line of all time. No, [Austin was not rude]. It was a great line! I was walking on the plane. It was one of those rare moments when you would see WWE and WCW on the same plane. And [Austin] walked by me and [Austin] said, ‘hey’. I only knew Steve Austin. I was like, ‘hey,’ he was like, ‘hey, there’s a gay guy on the plane.’ I said, ‘really?’ He goes, ‘yeah, give me a kiss and I’ll tell you who it is.'”

On making the transition from WCW to WWE: “I came in as a heel, so I had no problem. I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to talk s–t about The Undertaker in a promo or talk bad about Steve Austin in a promo! That’s what heels do to babyfaces! Right? But I learned very quickly that that’s not what heels do when they first come in. I had no idea! Nobody ever taught me that in WCW. They didn’t even tell me how to bump and feed a comeback. I had been in WCW for three years and I had no idea what that even meant as crazy as it sounds right now.”

On changing people’s opinions of him when he was getting started in WWE: “I knew I can’t win with [Triple H] and DX, and Rocky was always cool and [Austin] was in and out. [Austin was] always on your own, but [he was] always cool to me. But what I did was I worked really hard always, but I knew if I could get over with the bullpen, with the mid level guys, that would bleed up to the top. Bob Holly, those type of guys, JBL, Bradshaw at the time, working with those types, Rikishi, having great matches night after night, after night, with those guys, where I was programmed, word gets around, ‘hey, that guy’s not an asshole. You guys are talking s–t about him, but he’s really good and he’s a really good guy.’ That really helped to alleviate some of the tension that was there.”

On the original concept behind the Highlight Reel segment: “My initial idea was learning from one of the greatest, I don’t know what you would call him, backstage interviewers, was Gene Okerlund who could lead you through a backstage promo even if you didn’t know what you were doing. Right? My idea when I started the Highlight Reel was I wanted to be the Gene Okerlund, have guys that didn’t get promo time, and let me do an improv promo. Let’s see what they’ve got. Of course, that did not fly with Vince. He wanted an actual promo segment with top level guys.”

On drugs and alcohol on the road in the pro wrestling business: “I was never interested. I don’t do drugs. Why would I want to do drugs? And I just never started with any of that. I never did any of the pills even back in Calgary [Canada] and Mexico, guys that I’d hang with would do all the pills. I just didn’t! I don’t know why. Still to this day, I’ve never done cocaine in my life. Never! I just never had the desire to for whatever reason. No. Never once. Yeah, I mean, I did ‘shrooms and that sort of scene and that sort of thing. I just liked having a drink. The guys I ran with just liked to have a drink.”

Check out the complete episode of the Steve Austin Show podcast featuring the Chris Jericho interview at

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