Balenciaga Blue Classic City Bag in Pebbled Calfskin Leather

It isn’t every day that I write about handbag designer Balenciaga. The City Bag, and other Balenciaga styles, are iconic pieces, there is no doubt about that. However, it takes something really special to catch my attention nowadays. The number of bags I see per day.. I suppose this is to be expected. You literally see the classic Balenciaga City Bag everywhere. So even the smallest change that sets a particular City Bag apart from the rest is worth making note of.

Everyone loves the soft buttery lambskin leather that this designer is known for, right? Who would have thought that something so simple, such as changing the type of leather used, would have such a huge impact? Well it has. Does it look more refreshing? Check out the Balenciaga Classic City Bag in Pebbled Calfskin Leather!

Yes, it is everything you love about the original City Bag. It has the same motorcycle bag styling. It has the same classic hardware. It has the same dainty tassels. It has everything! Everything, except the lambskin leather. What this particular piece has is different, but in a good way. It has pebbled calfskin leather, which does have its advantages. Not only does it have a gorgeous texture, it is more durable as well. Oddly enough, it also seems to give this style a little more of a structured feel to it. And, what can I say? I love this new shade of blue too! So pretty!

Check it out today over at NEIMAN MARCUS: Classic City Calfskin Shoulder Bag, Blue