It’s crazy to believe that 11 years ago I was in school, and to pass the time I had my sweet boyfriend Dan create me a website, where I could write about handbags. This was pre-blogging days, let alone wordpress or any easy platform for bloggers. How time has changed, and BagBliss is still here, everyday blogging away about bags.
It just wouldn’t be the same without you guys, the readers. Your comments and emails keep us inspired to go on, and bring you fresh content everyday.
Thank you all for reading and I look forward to blogging for the next 11+ more years!
x Jennifer
& the current BagBliss Team members: BrS, Deysa, and Dan.
Follow BagBliss on FaceBook & Twitter
(that yummy looking purse pictured above is the Kate Spade x Magnolia Bakery Slice of Cake)
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