Mike Kanellis Reveals If The Pregnancy Storyline Led Him Requesting To Be Released

Fans will remember the strange pregnancy storyline from earlier this year, where Maria constantly told Mike Kanellis he wasn’t the father.

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Since then, Mike has requested his release from WWE, and even though it was not granted by the company, he hasn’t been used on television since.

There was some speculation regarding whether or not this storyline led to that decision. However, in an interview with Swings & Mrs, Mike denied that, although he did reveal his one problem with the storyline.

“The angle itself didn’t bother me, because I tell people this and it makes people yell at me, but it’s a fake television show. It’s not real. My name isn’t really Mike Kanellis.

And yes, I really am married to Maria Kanellis, but at the end of the day I am playing a role on a TV show. It doesn’t reflect who I am as a person so I don’t mind trying something different or thinking outside the box. My only issue was it didn’t go anywhere.”

H/T to WrestlingInc.com for the transcriptions.

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Swings & Mrs