The Balenciaga City is probably one of the most coveted handbags around. This bag has been seen on the arms of celebrities since (practically) the beginning. Although the Balenciaga First Bag technically came first (and went by a different name at the time), it was the City that quickly became the most popular style among the Balenciaga “Motorcycle” bags. Since then, this holy grail has seen many different renditions. Everything from bright colors to floral prints to perforations have made an appearance over the years. More subtly, however, Balenciaga has also played with variations in hardware. Classic hardware, giant hardware, colored hardware… and now, plate hardware. Check out the new Balenciaga Metal Plate City Satchel Bag!
What was once a leather strap with a buckle in the middle and studs on either end has been replaced by a solid metal plate. The same goes for the piece below the zippered pocket. On this particular version, the metal plates are silver tone and the studs holding them in place are gold tone. Two-tone jewelry was big at one time, but it is surprising to see two toned hardware on a handbag. I must admit though, it is kind of refreshing. And just think, two tone can go with either silver or gold! Personally, I find this latest take on hardware quite enticing. It was a way for Balenciaga to mix things up a bit without losing the overall look.
The Balenciaga Metal Plate City Satchel Bag is available Here at Net-a-Porter
Also in gold plates with silver studs Here at Neiman Marcus
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