Rebecca Minkoff Marble Vincent Minaudiere

I don’t know what it is, but Rebecca Minkoff has been on fire lately. It seems like every time I turn around, there is a very new and very creative rendition of one of my favorite Rebecca Minkoff styles. This is one designer who is not afraid to experiment. She pushes the boundaries, sometimes even to the point of no return. That is how I feel when I look at the piece you see pictured here. Meet the Rebecca Minkoff Vincent Minaudiere!

When I first saw this clutch, something unexpected popped into my head. I found my thoughts wandering to the bathroom in my grandmother’s house. Why? It is simple, really. She had a marble vanity in her bathroom that looked exactly like the marble pattern printed on this clutch. Wow, that makes this clutch sound really dated, doesn’t it? Perhaps we should look at it from a different point of view. Perhaps it should remind us of marble statues from the Renaissance. And just like that, this clutch screams classic art. Not bad! Plus this clutch has some other endearing qualities that will make you take notice. I love the pyramid stud kiss-lock closure and dark silver tone chain strap.

Retails for $275. Find it here at ShopBop!