11/5/19 AEW Dark Recap

Tony Schiavone and Dasha Gonzalez are the co-hosts for this week’s episode of Dark, and they run down tonight’s card. MJF is a guest commentator this week.

Match #1 – Singles Match: Shawn Spears (w/Tully Blanchard) vs. Michael Nakazawa
Spears backs Nakazawa into the corner and then applies a wrist-lock after the separation. Nakazawa counters into one of his own, but Spears counters back and takes Nakazawa to the mat. Spears goes behind for a waist-lock, but Nakazawa dumps baby oil everywhere and slithers free. Spears sends Nakazawa to the corner, but Nakazawa sprays the oil on the mat and Spears slips. Nakazawa connects with a senton and goes for the cover, but Spears kicks out. Blanchard tries to interfere, but he slips in the oil as well. Nakazawa goes out after Spears, but Spears drops him onto the apron. Spears tosses Nakazawa into the ring and delivers forearm shots to the back. Spears puts a knee in Nakazawa’s face and stomps on his throat. Spears delivers a few chops and slams Nakazawa to the mat. Spears goes for the cover, but Nakazawa kicks out. Spears locks in a single-leg Boston Crab, but Nakazawa makes it to the ropes. Spears delivers a few chops, but Nakazawa fights back with right hands.
They exchange shots and Nakazawa drops Spears to the mat and then sends him to the floor. Spears comes back, but Nakazawa catches him with a roll-up for two. Nakazawa drops Spears with a shoulder tackle and goes for the cover, but Spears kicks out. Blanchard distracts Nakazawa and Spears takes control, but Nakazawa drops him to the mat with a Samoan Drop. Nakazawa takes off his undergarment and goes after Spears, but Spears counters with a pump kick. Spears delivers a slingshot brain buster and gets the pin fall.
Winner: Shawn Spears

Match #2 – Tag Team Match: Mercedes Martinez and Big Swole vs. Sadie Gibbs and Allie
Gibbs and Swole start the match with a lock-up. Swole drops Gibbs to the mat, but Gibbs comes back with a hammer lock. Swole counters into one of her own, but Gibbs takes her to the mat. Gibbs applies a headlock, but Swole fights back. Gibbs goes for a shoulder tackle, but Swole doesn’t budge. Gibbs finally drops Swole on the third shoulder tackle and then delivers a power slam. Gibbs goes for the cover, but Martinez breaks up the pin. Swole takes Gibbs to the corner and takes in Martinez. Martinez chops Gibbs a few times and then she and Swole double team Gibbs. Allie makes a blind tag as Martinez dropkicks Gibbs. Allie delivers a few shots and then takes Martinez down with a cross-body. Allie connects with a senton and goes for the cover, but Martinez kicks out. Gibbs tags in and slams Allie onto Martinez. Gibbs goes for the cover, but Martinez kicks out at two. Gibbs delivers an uppercut and then drops Martinez with a head scissors take down. Martinez comes back and stomps Gibbs into the mat. Martinez goes for the cover, but Allie breaks it up.
Martinez takes Gibbs to the corner and tags in Swole. Martinez and Swole slam Gibbs to the mat and delivers a double elbow drop. Swole goes for the cover, but Gibbs kicks out. Swole takes Gibbs to the corner and delivers an uppercut. Swole delivers a kick to the face and goes for the cover, but Gibbs kicks out. Swole locks in a standing front face-lock, but Gibbs powers out and suplexes Swole to the mat. Allie an Martinez tag in and Allie drops her with a clothesline. Allie delivers a sliding elbow to Swole in the corner and delivers one to Martinez as well. Martinez comes back with a spine-buster and goes for the cover, but Allie kicks out. Swole tags in and Martinez delivers forearms to Allie in the corner. Swole takes Allie to the mat and applies a headlock. Allie fights back with elbows and then drops Swole with a Russian leg-sweep. Allie goes for the cover, but Swole kicks out and kicks Allie in the face. Swole goes for the cover, but Allie kicks out and Martinez tags in.
Martinez delivers the Three Amigos with the third being a delayed suplex and goes for the cover, but Gibbs breaks it up. Allie comes back with a roll-up, but Martinez kicks out. Allie delivers the Backstabber and then delivers a running elbow in the corner. Martinez comes back with a kick to the face and a running knee strike. Swole and Gibbs tag in and Gibbs tosses Swole across the ring. Gibbs takes Martinez down and then drops Swole with a Samoan Drop. Martinez attacks her and slams her with a suplex. Allie takes Martinez down with a Spear and then delivers the sliding elbow to Swole. Martinez takes out Allie on the floor with a cannonball senton, but hits Swole as well. Gibbs comes out of the ring with a flip over the top rope and takes everyone out. Gibbs tosses Swole into the ring and plants her with a Cradle Shock. Gibbs goes for the cover, but Martinez breaks it up. Martinez drops Gibbs to the mat with a fisherman’s buster, but Allie grabs Martinez and delivers a Death Valley Driver.
Swole drops Allie with a ripcord elbow and then Gibbs slams Martinez to the mat. Gibbs goes up top, but Swole cuts her off. Martinez ans Swole drop Gibbs with a power bomb/neck-breaker combination. Swole goes for the cover, but Allie breaks it up. Martinez goes up top and Swole sets Gibbs up, but Allie cuts Swole off. Allie drops Martinez back to the mat and then kicks Swole in the face. Gibbs hits a moonsault on Swole and gets the pin fall.
Winners: Sadie Gibbs and Allie

Schiavone and Gonzalez run down the card for AEW Full Gear. Bea Priestley vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. has been added to the card and will take place on the Buy In. Also, The Young Bucks will take on Santana and Ortiz. Adam Page will go one-on-one with PAC. Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega will battle in a Lights Out Match. And in the main event, Chris Jericho will defend the AEW World Championship against Cody. A look back at the contract signing between Jericho and Cody, and the aftermath, from this past Wednesday’s Dynamite is shown.

This week’s “Undesirable to Undeniable” features Cody interviewing Jimmy Havoc. Havoc says he’s never felt good enough in his life, but he uses that to fuel himself in the ring. Havoc says he started to just wrestle the way he wanted to wrestle and took inspiration from horror movies. He says he is good enough, because he got signed by AEW.

Match #3 – Tag Team Match: Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy and Marko Stunt) vs. Joey Janela and Jimmy Havoc
Boy and Havoc start the match and Havoc backs Boy into the corner. They have a clean break and then Boy applies a wrist-lock. Havoc comes back with a side headlock and then applies a head scissors hold. Boy gets free and applies a wrist-lock, but Havoc comes back with a right hand. Havoc bites Boy’s arm and tags in Janela. Boy gets Janela in a headlock an Stunt tags in. Stunt stomps on Janela’s toes and Boy tags back in. Express double teams Janela for a bit and Boy goes for the cover, but Janela kicks out. Havoc tags back in and delivers an elbow strike. Boy comes back with a dropkick and goes for the cover, but Havoc kicks out. Stunt tags in and tags Havoc down with a dropkick. Stunt goes for the cover, but Havoc kicks out. Boy tags back in and delivers a single leg dropkick. Janela tags in, but Havoc hits him after Boy moves out of the way. Boy sends Havoc to the floor and the Stunt takes Havoc out with a suicide dive. Boy takes Janela out with a moonsault and then tosses him back into the ring.
Boy takes Janela back to the mat and goes for the cover, but Janela kicks out. Stunt tags in and stomps on Janela’s arm. Havoc knocks Stunt to the mat and then officially tags in. Havoc chokes Stunt with the tag rope and applies a headlock. Janela tags in and takes Stunt down with a German suplex. Janela wrenches Stunt’s neck by grabbing his hair and then delivers another suplex. Havoc pulls Stunt to the floor and slams him into the barricade. Havoc gets Stunt back into the ring and tags in. Havoc bites Stunt on the neck, but Stunt gets free and tags in Boy. Boy drops Havoc with a clothesline and then dropkicks Janela on the apron. Boy bites Havoc and takes him down with an arm-drag. Boy delivers an uppercut and then kicks him in the face. Boy goes for the cover, but Janela tries to break it up and hits Havoc. Boy drops Havoc back to the mat and goes for the cover, but Havoc kicks out. Boy delivers a few chops, but Janela kicks him in the back. Havoc delivers a right hand and tags in Janela.
Boy delivers an Atomic Drop to Janela and then a Manhattan Drop after that. Boy stomps on Janela’s head and then slams Stunt onto Janela. Boy goes for the cover, but Havoc breaks it up. Havoc sends Stunt to the floor and then Boy delivers chops to Janela and Havoc. Havoc and Janela come back and double team Boy. Stunt delivers a running knee to Janela and then Havoc drops Stunt with a Tiger Driver. Boy takes Havoc to the mat and Janela kicks Boy in the face. Havoc tags in and goes for the Acid Rainmaker, but Boy ducks under and Stunt tags in. Havoc catches Stunt and slams him to the mat with a Michinoku Driver. Havoc goes for the cover, but Stunt kicks out. Havoc grabs a staple gun and Janela tags in. Havoc hands him the staple gun and he uses it on Havoc instead. Janela delivers a brain buster to Boy and goes up top, but Stunt delivers an enzuigiri. Havoc pulls Boy out of the ring and Janela delivers an avalanche pile driver from the top and gets the cover on Stunt.
Winners: Joey Janela and Jimmy Havoc

Footage is shown of Janela outside the arena after his match when Tully Blanchard approaches him. Shawn Spears attacks him, pries his mouth open, and drops a lit cigarette into it as the show comes to a close.Click Here: adelaide crows guernsey