Victims of ex-Gambian president’s ‘miracle’ herbal HIV cure want to put exiled dictator in the dock

For a president who claimed to have supernatural powers, it was just another example of his benign magical touch.

But when Gambia’s witchcraft-practising dictator, Yahya Jammeh, declared to the world in 2007 that he had invented a miracle cure for HIV, the response was not ridicule but horror.

Not only did his mystic recipe only work on Mondays and Thursdays, it required patients to give up anti-retrovirals in favour of a yellow herbal concoction.

Yet while medical experts condemned it as dangerous quackery, that was not an option for Lamin Ceesay, one of an estimated 9,000 HIV-positive Gambians offered places in the president’s HIV "clinic".

Too scared of Mr Jammeh to turn the invite down, Mr…

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