Bodo Möller Chemie appoints Global Vice President for Digitalisation

With a newly created position, the Bodo Möller Chemie Group implements an extensive digitalisation strategy: Frank Fuhr has taken over the function of Global Vice President for Digitalisation in the Bodo Möller Chemie headquarters in Offenbach am Main, Germany.

The new position will be held by a chemical sector expert: Frank Fuhr last held the position of Director of Supply Chain & Sourcing at Surteco, the globally established and publicly listed manufacturer of furniture surfaces. He has already been collaborating with the Bodo Möller Chemie Group for almost ten years – from 2008 to 2017, Fuhr was Internal Sales and Controlling Manager at Bodo Möller Chemie. “I look forward to returning to the Bodo Möller Chemie Group. While the transition to the digital future has undergone a rapid development – especially in recent years – international challenges have also increased. The biggest opportunity lies in the transition: Digitalisation is the steam engine of this century and optimises processes immensely – both within our company and in the overall economy,” describes Frank Fuhr.

“Duty to implement a forward-looking digitalisation strategy”

“As an international company and interface between manufacturers of the chemical sector and users, it is our duty to implement a forward-looking and efficient digitalisation strategy and permanently optimise our processes as well as adjust customer experience to the growing expectations. Digital processes provide an essential support in day-to-day business operations and, in addition, also help to optimise the current challenges related to the supply chain,” says Frank Haug, Chairman of the Board of the Bodo Möller Chemie Group.